Information Related To RTI

A long-awaited step in achieving transparency and accountability in administration has been taken by enacting The Right To Information Act, 2005. It has been well said that democracy can be established and achieved by informed citizenry. It is necessary for the citizens to know as to how and why a particular decision is taken and for that purpose to seek information before making or drawing any conclusion. The purpose of this Act is to bring in transparency in administration of the Government and to bring about transformation in administrative machinery making it more open and free. It defines the term ‘information’ and prescribes that it is in any material, in any form, as records, documents, memos, e-mails, advices and opinions in recorded form, press releases, circulars, orders, log books, contracts, reports, papers and other things as provided.

The enactment of RTI act 2005 introduces an open and transparent government and gives every citizen right to seek and receive information to make administration more responsible and transparent which means good governance. The object of this Act is to make our society open and public authorities more accountable and information must be made available to a private citizen subject to right of privacy and other exemptions provided for.

The college has established RTI Cell as per directives of Govt. of Maharashtra, which functions under the leadership of Hon’ble Principal

Sr. No. Name of the Officer Designation
01 Prin. Dr. Dinesh Fakira Shirude Appellate Officer
02 Prof. K. K. Bachhav Information Officer
03 Shri S. K. Kedare Assist. Information Officer